Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Reality of Things

An excerpt from an excellent column in 'American Thinker', by Lloyd Marcus...

Without beating around the bush, I believe the battle being fought in American today goes beyond politics; right vs left. It is a spiritual battle; good vs evil. (See scripture verse from Ephesians.)

The mindset of the American left is a spirit of Antichrist which is man making himself God.

Before writing me off as a Bible nut, please hear me out. Understanding this reality will explain much of the left's behavior. Because they believe man is God, in their insane arrogance, the left think they can fix everything; legislate equal outcomes and eve save or destroy the planet.

Make no mistake about it folks, we are in a spiritual battle. Ask yourself. Specifically, what about Sarah Palin inspires such visceral hatred from the left? The word is "wholesome."

For the most part, Palin promotes love for God, family and country. She is passionately determined to thwart Obama's plan to "fundamentally transform America."

While realizing Palin is human and does not walk on water, Palin epitmizes heartland principles and values embraced by most Americans. Thus, we Palin, and Palin is us.

The large number of Christians in the Tea Party belive in right and wrong. The left has a huge problem with the concept of right and wrong. Their religion of liberalism embraces Moral Relativism.

For these reasons, Palin and Tea Party area as repulsive to liberals as showing Dracula the cross.

There is definitely an anti-wholesome, anti-goodness vibe coming out of Hollywood. Hollywood leftists are vehemently anti-death penalty. They rally around convicted murderers. These Hollywood libs pride themselves as being Lords of Compassion and Tolerance.

And yet, thesee same libs have a cow whenever someone merely suggests to a woman that she think twice before aborting her baby. Tell me there ain't something spiritually wrong with such a mindset.

Because leberal elitists think man is God, they assume moral authority to confiscate as much control over our lives as we simmple-minced god-fearinig peons will allow the, including procreation. I picked up a government-funded brochure at my local library whhich basically said birthing babies is an irresponsible abuse of the planet.

Folks, this is leftist contrl-freak hogwash! The seven billion people who live on the planet could fit in Texas enjoying the same amount of living space as residents of New York.God said be fruitful and multiply. But then, what the hack does God know?

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